Tuesday, August 3, 2010

All our bags are packed....

Hello from LAX! We just landed from leg 1 of 3 of our journey and are all excited to get to our destination of Marose, Haiti at 8am tomorrow morning!
Please pray for another 2 safe flights (and some quiet so we can rest throughout the night). Our team has been great and fun and full of smiles so far.....also a lot of laughing at me and Elke but that's to be expected when people aren't used to our generally amusing material and secret languages (yes we have more than one).
Welp, were off to scan the airport for Zefron, Channing, and Amanda Bynes! Also, there has been talk of starting a dance party in the terminal to some GaGa - look for us on YouTube soon!
Love and airplane trail mix,
P and E